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Date: 2024-07-27 Page is: DBtxt001.php L0200-REGIONS
Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society

Navigation for REGIONS

In this context a REGION is an area usually comprising more than one country.
TPB 150314a

BRICS ... Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

G6 ... Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK
The Group of 6 (G6) that comprising the G7 without the USA informally established as a result of President Trump's antagonising the international community in unprecendented ways. Donald Trump is frequently referred to as the 'Ugly American' harking back several decades ago when the US had wealth that dominated the global economy. Now the current US administration has the arrogance but not the wealth, and is behaving like a spoiled brat and playground bully.

G7 ... Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and USA
The Group of 7 (G7) is a group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of seven major advanced economies as reported by the International Monetary Fund: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States meeting to discuss primarily economic issues.

G8 ... Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK and USA
The Group consists of the 6-7-8 largest industrialized democracies, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

G20 ...
The members of the G-20 are the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, with the U.K. and the U.S., as well as the European Union, represented
What is the G20
Explainer: who gets invited to the G20 summit, and why
Open file 9452

The Horn of Africa

Southern Africa


East Africa

West Africa

Central Africa

Great Lakes Region of Africa

The European Union

The Arab Union

The African Union

The British Commonwealth

ECOWAS ... Economic Cooperation Organization for West African States
French ... CEDEAO (Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest)

IGAD ... Inter Governmental Agency for Development
Open PDF ... IGAD-2016-State-of-the-region-v9
Open PDF ... IGAD-2016-Regional-Strategy-Framework-v11
Open PDF ... IGAD-2016-Regional-Strategy-Implementation-Plan-v6.pdf

NAFTA ... North American Free Trade Area


Sub-Sahara Africa

Europe ..... North America ..... South America ..... MENA ..... South Asia ..... Central Asia ..... Far East ..... Pacific Islands ..... Africa ..... Arctic North ..... Antarctica ..... XYZ .....

In this context a REGION is an area of land usually comprising more than one country.
TPB 150314a

BRICS ... Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

G7 ... Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and USA
The Group of 7 (G7) is a group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of seven major advanced economies as reported by the International Monetary Fund: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States meeting to discuss primarily economic issues.

G8 ... Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK and USA
The Group consists of the 6-7-8 largest industrialized democracies, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

G20 ...
The members of the G-20 are the finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, with the U.K. and the U.S., as well as the European Union, represented
What is the G20
Explainer: who gets invited to the G20 summit, and why
Open file 9452

The Horn of Africa

Southern Africa


East Africa

West Africa

Central Africa

Great Lakes Region of Africa

The European Union

The Arab Union

The African Union

The British Commonwealth

ECOWAS ... Economic Cooperation Organization for West African States
French ... CEDEAO (Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest)

IGAD ... Inter Governmental Agency for Development

NAFTA ... North American Free Trade Area


Sub-Sahara Africa

Europe Go Top

The financial health of the Euro-Zone
German Finance Minister: 'Europe and the euro are healthy' ... We ask Germany's most senior diplomat if the collapse of the eurozone is just a matter of time.
Open file 2501
Finance ... Euro-Zone
Saving the euro ... As European leaders try to keep the euro stable, we ask if Europe is facing a leadership problem or a structural crisis.
Open file 2502
Financial ... the debt crisis
Q&A: Eurozone debt crisis ... Al Jazeera takes a closer look at why the eurozone debt crisis matters, and possible solutions to the problem.
Open file 2503
Incompatible Politics and Finance
Europe: To Be or Not To Be ... As Europe's crisis worsens without any solution in sight is a shift in political power a sign of hope on the horizon?
Open file 2504
Policy Possibilities
Counting the Cost ... Lessons for Europe from Japan's 'lost decade' ... As Europe struggles with its financial crisis, we ask if there are lessons it can learn from the East.
Open file 2506
Just how corrupt is Europe? ... New report reveals corruption due to lack of transparency and accountability contributing to the eurozone's debt crisis.
Open file 2507

Africa Go Top

Africa ... North Africa Go Top

Africa ... Sahel Go Top

Asia Pacific Go Top

Open file 2512
Open file 2513

Middle East Go Top

Region ... Middle East
Arab protests against ruling regimes ... The regional protest movement against elitist regimes has a deep historical undercurrent.
Open file 0004 M
Middle East Country ... USA The Arab Awakening
What US conservatives never saw coming ... Obama's critics say Arab revolutions vindicate Bush's freedom agenda, but they overestimate US influence.
Open file 0012
Middle East ... The Arab young and restless
If democracy is to take root in the Arab world, governments must make youth unemployment crisis their highest priority.
Open file 0013
Region ... Middle East / Obama striving for post-imperialism
Barack Obama's evolving Middle East policy signals a positive shift in US foreign policy, former CIA analyst says.
Open file 0039
Middle East ... Country ... Iran
Governance ... Iran: Ahmadinejad row with Khamenei intensifies ... Iranian president said to be considering resignation after intelligence chief he fired was reinstated.
Open file 0068
Middle East ... AlJazeera English ... Americas
Obama to deliver a speech on 'Arab Spring' / The address aims at spelling out US policy toward waves of political changes sweeping North Africa and the Middle East.
Open file 0087
Middle East
Open file 0094 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 0096 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 0109 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 0298 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 0300 Middle East
Middle East
International Affairs ... The Arab World ... Democracy Now interveiw with Noam Chomsky of MIT and Marwan Bishara of AlJazeera ... March 2011
Open file 350
Middle East
Open file 0394 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 2240 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 2529 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3058 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3059 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3466 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3467 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3469 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3494 Middle East
Middle East
Open file 3528 Middle East

Middle East ... Israel Go Top

Middle East - Israel Iran / AlJazeera English ... Opinion
CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall / The Israeli security establishment is increasingly worried by Netanyahu's bellicose stance towards Iran.
Open file 0126 Israel Iran
Middle East - Israel Palestine / AlJazeera English ... Opinion
'The Audacity Of Hope' waits to sail for Gaza / The 'Palestinians' transition to non-violent protests' deeply concerns the Israeli government and its US backers.
Open file 0115 Israel Palestine
AlJazeera English ... Opinion / Hope lost, audacity found
Obama's administration has pursued a multi-track effort to prevent Americans from participating in the flotilla.
Open file 0117 Israel Palestine
Middle East - Israel/Palestine
Open file 3618 Israel/Palestine
Middle East - Israel/Palestine
Open file 3619 Israel/Palestine
Middle East - Israel/Palestine
Open file 3646 Israel/Palestine
Middle East - Israel/Palestine
Region ... Israel and Gaza Interpretting Dershowitz Belen Fernandez ... Dershowitz versus Gaza ... Alan Dershowitz routinely defends immoral behaviour by the Israeli army by vilifying civilians killed by Israel.
Open file 3647
Region ... Middle East
Jordan Executes 2 Prisoners After ISIS Killing Of Pilot, Official Says
Open file 9153

South East Asia

Naval Power in SE Asia
Rattled by Chinese Submarines, India Joins Other Nations in Rebuilding Fleet ... China is estimated to have 60 conventional submarines and 10 nuclear-powered submarines
Open file 8680

0069 Africa 0085 North Africa 0116 Africa 0201 Horn of Africa 0264 Africa 0274 Horn of Africa 2940 South China Sea 3532 West Africa 3541 Africa 3557 Africa 2343 Africa 3464 Africa 3609 Africa 3666 Africa 3708 Africa 3524 Europe 3598 Europe 0270 North Atlantic 0364 NATO 0412 Europe 0558 Europe 0562 Europe 0590 Europe 2237 Europe 2433 Europe 2436 Europe 0186 Asia 0513 West 0575 BRICS 0582 BRICS 0641 BRICS 3498 International 3722 International 3773 Arctic 3774 Arctic 3775 Arctic 3776 Arctic 3793 Africa 2277 2278 2501 2502 2503 2504 2506 2507 2512 2513 2561 2563 2579 2580 2581 2708

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