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Date: 2024-10-25 Page is: DBtxt001.php L0200-PE-THINKERS

Organized by PERSON NAME alphabetical

People make decisions, consume products, work in organizations

The Elders


Arab Men

Indian family

Vietnam worker

US Worker

Inpage navigation for THINKERS ... PERSON NAME alphabetical

IDEAS ... navigation to less detail ... a listing of themes
The world is not short of IDEAS, but very few move beyond being an idea even to the next stage of being an INITIATIVE. In many case an IDEA may be associated with many different people. Sometimes an IDEA can be very powerful, but most IDEAS fail to get much traction.
Open list0200-IDEAS-alpha-subject

AAA go to TOP

Daniel Aronson... Sustainability Consultant
Daniel Aronson
Founder at Stealth Mode Startup New York, New YorkManagement Consulting Previous Deloitte, IBM Global Business Services, Andersen (Business Consulting) Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management 500+ connections
Open external link
Ideas ... Metrics ... Managing sustainability
Daniel Aronson ... How Do We 'Hardwire' Sustainability Into Business?
Open file 5430

BBB go to TOP

Kevin Bales ... Activist (Human trafficking and exploitation)
Navigation to resources for Kevin Bales Open L0600P-Kevin-Bales

Dean Baker ... Economist /
Navigation to resources for Dean Baker Open L0600P-Dean-Baker

Bill Baue ... Sustainability
Sustainability Context Group Co-Founder @Bbaue
As an internationally recognized expert on sustainability context, online stakeholder engagement, and sustainability communications, Bill Baue designs systemic transformation. He’s co-founder of a number of companies and initiatives:
Sustainability Context Group, a global community of thought leaders and practitioners who advocate for Context-Based Sustainability;
...Convetit, an online stakeholder engagement platform;
...ContextReporting, a corporate sustainability data visualization/benchmarking tool; and
...Sea Change Radio, a globally syndicated podcast on sustainability.
Baue works with organizations across the sustainability ecosystem, including AccountAbility, Audubon, Cabot, Ceres, Climate Counts, Center for Sustainable Organizations, GE, Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative, Harvard, ICCR, United Nations, Walmart and Worldwatch Institute.
He teaches in the Marlboro Sustainability MBA, and serves on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Advisory Council. He blogs for Guardian Sustainable Business and Sustainable Brands, where he also curates the #NewMetrics channel. He was named on the Guardian Top 15 Thought Leaders in Sustainable Business and TriplePundit Top 30 Sustainability Bloggers on Twitter lists.
He lives in a cohousing community in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts with his wife Jiyanna and daughters Clara, Emma, and Aoife.
Open list0600P-Bill-Baue

Don Beck ... Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics Integral
Don Beck developed a framework for thinking about the functioning of the economy he called Spiral Dynamics. Some reources about this are listed here.
Open list0600P-Don-Beck

Bob Blain ... Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
Bob Blain
Open L0600P-Bob-Blain

Sam Bliss ... Steady State Economy
Ideas ... DeGrowth ... Steady State Economy
Sam Bliss
GROWING PAINS ... Watch our juicy explainer about the environment’s growing economics problem
Open file 9209

Open PDF ... Smart-Heritage-Policy-by-Bojan-Radej-170413

Gary Bolles ... Impact Mapping
Gary A Bolles
Development and Information Mapping Summit ... 2010 ... Serial Entrepreneur ... Gary A. Bolles ... Partner at Charrette San Francisco Bay AreaInternet
Open file 9121
Ideas ... People / Employment ... Gary A. Bolles
Slideset ... A macro view of employment in the new economy
Open file 12070

Peter Bretscher
Peter Bretscher
Founder at Eggersriet, Canton of St. Gallen, SwitzerlandEducation Management Current Ingenieurbureau fur Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Project NEMO, INSEDE (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development) Previous Wild Heerbrugg, Leitz Education Neu Technikum Buchs 366 connections Connected 3/24/2014
Open Linkedin external link ...

T Peter Burgess ... Meaningful Metrics for Everything
Navigation to resources for Peter Burgess
Book Manuscripts / Essays / Occasional Papers / Slidesets / Background / etc
Open n1-Burgess

CCC go to TOP

Delton Chen ... Complementary Currency for Climate Change

Noam Chomsky ... deep analysis pf society from every persepctive
Navigation to resources about Noam Chomsky
Open L0600P-Noam-Chomsky

Clayton M. Christensen
Clayton M. Christensen ... How-will-you-measure-your-life?
Clayton M. Christensen ( is the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.
Open PDF ... How-will-you-measure-your-life?

Jason Clay ... with WWF doing pioneering work on managing sustainability
Navigation to resources about Jason Clay
Pioneer for sustainability in the value chain ... associated with WWF
Open L0600P-Jason-Clay

Storm Cunningham ... Resilient Prosperity
Storm Cunningham ... Resilient Prosperity
Open PDF ... Resilient-Prosperity

DDD go to TOP

Herman Daly ... Steady State Economy
Herman Daly
People ... Economists ... Economic Dynamics ... Steady State Economy ... Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 614
Herman Daly
Economic Dynamics ... Steady State Economy ... Comment stream from essay by Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 615
Herman Daly
People ... Economists ... Capital Institute Guest Post: Limits to Growth - Forty More Years? ... From The Next Forty Years, Jorgen Randers, ed. (forthcoming)
Open file 1007

Léon de Caluwé and Hans Vermaak ... Five Color Change Paradigms
Open PDF ... Caluwe-Vermaak-Change-Paradigms

DDD go to TOP

James M. Dorsey
James M. Dorsey is a scholar and award-winning journalist.
James M. Dorsey is a scholar and award-winning journalist. A senior fellow at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies and co-director of the University of Wuerzburg’s Institute of Fan Culture, James is one of the pioneers of the exploration of the political, social and economic aspects of Middle Eastern and North African soccer.
James has published widely in scholarly journals, writes a syndicated column, is the author of the acclaimed blog, The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer and a recently published book with the same title.
His book, Comparative Political Transitions between Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa( co-authored with Teresita Cruz-Del Rosario), was published in July 2016.
He is currently working on three forthcoming books: China and the Middle East: Venturing into the Maelstrom, Creating Frankenstein: Saudi Arabia’s Export of Ultra-conservative Islam, and Shifting Sands: Volatile Transitions in the Middle East and North Africa, Essays on Sports and Politics
A two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee and a 2013 finalist for the European Press Award, James started covering ethnic and religious conflict as a foreign correspondent in the 1970s.
He served as a foreign correspondent for Dutch newspaper Trouw, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Financial Times, The Christian Science Monitor and Dutch and Belgian radio and television. James was based in Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo, Teheran, Kuwait, Riyadh, Dubai, Larnaca, Athens, Istanbul, Washington, Lima, London, Paris and Amsterdam.
Beyond the Middle East and North Africa, James has also reported over the past four decades from most major conflicts zones in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia, including Afghanistan, former Yugoslavia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ethiopia, Somalia, Rwanda, Congo, Eritrea, Yemen, the Western Sahara, Columbia, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Kashmir, Thailand and Bangladesh.

EEE go to TOP

Robert Eccles
Robert Eccles
Book ... One Report Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy
Open file 8767

Paul Ehrlich
Ideas ... Ehrlich
Population Impact ... Erhlich Environmental Impact Equation
Open file 8861

John Elkington ... Triple Bottom Line / The Stretch Agenda
Navigation to resources for John Elkington
John Elkington introduced the idea of Triple Bottom Line for business organizations in 1995
Open L0600P-John-Elkington

FFF go to TOP

Jason J. Fichter ... Legislative Impact Accounting
Rethinking how to Account for Policies' Economic Costs in the Federal Budget Process
Open PDF Fichtner-McLaughlin-Legislative-Impact-Accounting-2015

Cynthia Figge
Navigation to resources for Cynthia Figge Open L0600P-Cynthia Figge

David Firth ... CHANGE and the CoQuora Project
Rethinking how to Account for Policies' Economic Costs in the Federal Budget Process
Open PDF David-Firth-CHANGE-a-guide-2016.pdf
The CoQuora Project
An initiative of David Firth and
Open PDF ... /David-Firth-CHANGE-a-guide-2016 /td>
External link
Open external link

João-Fontes ... Product-Social-Impact-Assessment
Rethinking how to Account for Policies' Economic Costs in the Federal Budget Process
Open PDF Fontes-Handbook-for-Product-Social-Impact-Assessment-3.0.pdf

Claudia Freed ... Triple Impact Business System in the Circular Economy

George Friedman
Open PDF ... Understanding-Our-Geopolitical-Model

GGG go to TOP

Tim Gieseke ... Collaborative Governance Design
Open PDF Collaborative-Governance-Design-AgRS-CRC-2016

Open PDF
Tim Gieseke
Linkedin Pulse ... Tim Gieseke ... The 'Strategy of the Commons'
Open file 11929
Open external link

Jane Gleeson-White
‘Lively history … Show[s] double entry’s role in the creation of the accounting profession, and even of capitalism itself.’ The New Yorker
Open external link
Some of the text Open file 12014
Six Capitals: The Revolution Capitalism Has to Have - or Can Accountants Save the Planet? ... BOOK by JANE GLEESON-WHITE
Review ... Society ... Six Capitals: The Revolution Capitalism Has to Have - or Can Accountants Save the Planet? ... Metrics: Six Capitals by Jane Gleeson-White proposes measuring profit in a different way. 2014
Open external link
More of the text Open file 12013
‘Six Capitals or Can Accountants Save the Planet'
Open external link
More of the text Open file 13599

Alfonso Govela ...
Navigation to resources for Alfonso Govela Open L0600P-Alfonso Govela

Misha Gromov ... Mathematician
Open PDF ... Ergosystems-ergobrain-Misha-Gromov

HHH go to TOP

Tim Harcourt ... Economist in Australia
Tim Harcourt
J.W. Nevile Fellow in Economics at the Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales
Tim Harcourt is the J.W. Nevile Fellow in Economics at the Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales. Prior to this, he was the chief economist of the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade). Mr. Harcourt is also an active commentator in the Australian and international media on economic and trade issues.
Before joining the Austrade, Mr. Harcourt was an economist and industrial advocate with the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). He was also an economic policy adviser to the ACTU on international trade, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs and the environment.
He has worked as an economist for the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and has overseas experience in the corporate sector as an economic consultant and as an environment adviser. He was educated at the University of Adelaide, the University of Minnesota and Harvard University.
His book “The Airport Economist,” was published by Allen and Unwin in 2008. It was followed by “The Airport Economist Flies Again” in 2012 and “Trading Places: The Airport Economist’s Guide to International Business” in 2014.
His fascination with travel and economics began when he visited his University of Adelaide classmates in their home countries of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Open link ... post Open link ... bio

Paul Hawken ... Natural Capitalism
A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism
HBR 1999 ... Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken ''
Open PDF ... A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism

Dirk Helbing
Navigation to more Dirk Helbing material
Dirk Helbing is Professor of Computational Social Science at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences and affiliate of the Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich. In January 2014 Prof. Helbing received an honorary PhD from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Since June 2015 he is affiliate professor at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at TU Delft, where he leads the PhD school in “Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future.”
The work of Prof. Helbing is documented by hundreds of media reports and publications, among them more than 10 papers in Nature, Science, and PNAS. He won various prizes, including the Idee Suisse Award. He co-founded the Competence Center for Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, the Risk Center, the Institute for Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) and the Decision Science Laboratory (DeSciL).
While coordinating the FuturICT initiative (, he helped to establish data science and computational social science in Europe, as well as global systems science. A further result is the Nervousnet platform ( Helbing is an elected member of the German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina” and the World Academy of Art and Science.
Open L0600P-Dirk-Helbing

Peter Herring ... Shareconomy
Peter Herring ... Shareconomy
Open PDF Shareconomy

III go to TOP

JJJ go to TOP

KKK go to TOP

Roger-Kaufman ... Professor Emeritus at Florida State University
Roger Kaufman, Geraldo Flowers, Ingrid Guerra, Neil Crispo
Open PDF ... Roger-Kaufman-Thriving-not-just-surviving-2002
Thinkers ... Roger Kaufman / Public Administration
Roger Kaufman on Needs Assessment
Open file 11854
Roger Kaufman on Needs Assessment
Open external link
Open PDF ... Roger-Kaufman-on-Mega-Thinking-interview-2013
Open external link

Aisa Kirabi Kacyira ... Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary-General for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
Navigation to resources for Aisa Kirabi Kacyira
John Elkington introduced the idea of Triple Bottom Line for business organizations in 1995
Open L0600P-Aisa-Kirabi-Kacyira

Christopher King ... Conscious-Capitalism

Mark R. Kramer ... Shared Value
Open PDF ... FSG-Prospectus-Dec-2015-Creating-Shared-Value-Seminar

Paul Krugman
Navigation to resources for Paul Krugman
John Elkington introduced the idea of Triple Bottom Line for business organizations in 1995
Open L0600P-Paul-Krugman

LLL go to TOP

Melissa Levy ... Community Roots LLC
Open pdf ... Measuring-the-Impacts-of-Economic-Development-Melissa-Levy.pdf

Bjorn Lomborg ... Copenhagen Consensus
Open PDF ... Bjorn-Lomborg-Trade-is-the-best-aid-161103
Open PDF ... 140807-Smart-aid-for-the-worlds-poor.pdf
Open PDF ... Investment-in-better-nutrition-sv125-lomborg.pdf
Open PDF ... CCC-Development-Goals-Cost-Benefit-Assessment-2014.pdf

Amory B. Lovins ... Natural Capitalism
A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism
Open PDF ... A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism

L. Hunter Lovins ... Natural Capitalism
A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism
HBR 1999 ... Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken ''
Open PDF ... A Roadmap for Natural Capitalism

Ernest Lowe ... Prosperity Without Growth Economy
Musings ... 60 years of learning
Open externa; link
People / Ideas ... Ernest Lowe
Some of the key people ... Resources for a Prosperity Without Growth Economy
Open file 11568

MMM go to TOP

Jack Ma ... CEO of Alibaba
Navigation to resources for Jack Ma
John Elkington introduced the idea of Triple Bottom Line for business organizations in 1995
Open L0600P-Jack-Ma

Chris Macrae ... Networking Global Youth Connections
Navigation to resources for Chris Macrae
Chris Macrae has a focus on networking youth so that they are able to have a positive impact on the progress of the world ... an expert network of people and organizations with this focus
Open L0600P-Chris-Macrae

President Macron ... President of the French Republic
Navigation to resources for Emmanuel Macron
Open L0600P-President-Macron

Thomas Mayer ... Identitarian Politics
Politics / Governance ... Systems of Governance ... Identitarian Politics
From Trump to Erdogan: The Rise of the “Identitarians” ... Supporters of identity politics feel safer by shutting doors to the rest of the world. Who pays the price? How did elites contribute to it all?
Open file 11761

Heather McGhee ... DEMOS
People ... Heather McGhee
HEATHER C. McGHEE / DEMOS / NYT Sunday Review | OPINION ... ‘I’m Prejudiced,’ He Said. Then We Kept Talking.
Open file 12411

John McKay ... Conscious-Capitalism
Conscious-Capitalism ... Business-with-Purpose ... John McKay
Conscious-Capitalism ... Business-with-Purpose ... John McKay
Open file 8796

Patrick A. Mclaughlin ... Legislative Impact Accounting
Rethinking how to Account for Policies' Economic Costs in the Federal Budget Process
Open PDF Fichtner-McLaughlin-Legislative-Impact-Accounting-2015

Donella 'Dana' Meadows
A 19 page paper written by Donella 'Dana' Meadows in 1999. Dana was one of the authors of the 1972 paper for the Club of Rome that highlighted the emerging problem of sustainability. She died in 2001. This paper esplains the critical characteristics of a complex system in a very readable manner. ''
Open PDF ... Leverage-Points_Places-to-intervene-in-a-system

Julian Morris
Julian Morris
Vice President at Reason Foundation Greater New York City AreaThink Tanks Current Reason Foundation, University of Buckingham Previous International Policy Network, Institute of Economic Affairs, George Mason University Education University of Westminster 500+ connections Connected 8/25/2011
TPB Message 170827: Its a long time since we were in touch ... essentially when you were still based in the UK, I believe. A lot has happened, and I am appalled by a lot of it ... but at the same time some really good things are starting to get traction. Love to catch up sometime if there is the opportunity Peter
Open external link
Reason Foundation Open external link

Jeff Mowatt ... People-Centered Economic Development, P-CED
Ideas ... Jeff Mowatt
People-Centered Economic Development, P-CED, derived from a paper for the steering committee to reelect the [US] President in 1996.
Open file 8895

Bill Moyers ... a forum for meaningful conversation
Ideas ... The Legal Concept of Public Trust
Bill Moyers ... Mary Christina Wood
Bill Moyers: The Ingenious Project to Save Our Climate Using an Ancient Legal Theory
Open file 8898

Charles Murray ... Basic Income
Systemic Unemployment ... Idea ... Universal Basic Income
Charles Murray ... A Guaranteed Income for Every American
Open file 11883 Open external link

NNN go to TOP

Ted Nordhaus ... Breakthrough Institute
Open file 11883 Open PDF ... Second-Life-Break-Through-Environment-Ted-Norhaus-and-Michael-Shellenberger

OOO go to TOP

John C. O'Connor
Navigation to resources for John C. O'Connor
Open L0600P-John-OConnor
Elinor Ostrom
Open PDF ... A-Modest-Homage-to-Elinor-Ostrom

PPP go to TOP

David Palmer-Jones ... Chairman, Environmental Services Association (ESA)
Open PDF ... ESA-UK-Circular-Economy-Report

Gunter Pauli ... The Blue Economy
Gunter Pauli
Peter Burgess Connections ... LinkedIn ... Gunter Pauli ... Founder and Director ZERI ... Kanagawa, Japan ... Research
Open file 6997
Blue Economy
Open file 9140
Blue Economy
Simple text of the Blue-Economy-Newsletter-SUMMER-2015
Open file 9142

Stephen Penman ... Accounting for Value
Book Review ... “Accounting for Value” by Stephen Penman
Commentary by Giuseppe Marzo* ... ael-2013-0026
Open PDF ... Book Review ... Accounting for Value' ... Giuseppe Marzo
Book Review ... Accounting for Value by Stephen Penman
Huifeng Liu* ... The Value of Accounting for Value ... ael-2013-0043
Open PDF ... Book Review ... Accounting for Value ... Huifeng Liu

Matt Polsky on Sustainability
Navigation to resources related to Matt Polsky
Open L0600P-Matt-Polsky

Michael Porter ... Shared Value

QQQ go to TOP

RRR go to TOP

Bojan Radej
Open PDF ... Smart-Heritage-Policy-by-Bojan-Radej-170413

Kate Rayworth ... The Doughnut Economy
Open PDF ... Kate-Raworth-Econ-101-Quiz-What-century-are-you-in-140929

Robert Reich ... economic dysfunction

Trade ... Trade Agreements
Robert Reich ... Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Is a Pending Disaster
Open file 8925

Richard Reisman ... Fair Pay for Digital Products
Open PDF ... Richard-Reisman-Fair-Pay-for-Digital-Products-SSRN-id2530347

Jean Rogers ... Chief Executive at SASB
Jean Rogers
Chief Executive Officer at Sustainability Accounting Standards Board San Francisco Bay AreaAccounting Current Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Previous ARUP NORTH AMERICA, LTD, Razorfish, Harvard University Education Harvard University 500+ connections
Open Linkedin profile

Bill Russell
More Resources about Bill Russell
Open L0600P-Bill-Russell

SSS go to TOP

Philip Sadler ... Tomorrow's Company ... The Triple Context
Philip Sadler ... Tomorrow's Company
Systems thinking and the triple context
Open file 8795

C. Otto Scharmer ... Theory U
Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges ''
Open PDF ... Theory_U_Exec_Summary

Durreen Shahnaz ... Capital Markets for Social Enterprise
Durreen Shahnaz
Social Entrepreneur aiming to change the world
Open L0600P-Durreen-Shahnaz

Bill Sharon
The Risk of a Single Metric by Bill Sharon
Open PDF ... The Risk of a Single Metric

Andrew Sheng
Andrew Sheng
Economist ... born in Borneo and educated in the West ... very thoughtful economist
Navigation to material about Andrew Sheng
Open L0600P-Andrew-Sheng

Adam Smith ... Classic Economist
Adam Smith
The Theory of Moral Sentiments ... 6th edition 1790
399 pages
Open PDF ... Adam-Smith-Moral-Sentiments-6th-edition-1790
Adam Smith
185 pages
Copyright ©2010–2015 All rights reserved. Jonathan Bennett
Open PDF ... Adam-Smith-The-Theory-of-Moral-Sentiments-1759
Adam Smith
23 pages
Open PDF ... Adam-Smith-The-Theory-of-Moral-Sentiments-Knud-Haakonssen

Dean Spitzer, Ph.D. ... 'Transforming Performance Measurement'
Dean Spitzer, Ph.D.
Performance management innovator; author of 'Transforming Performance Measurement'; 8,500+…
Peter...You are so right. This is what I talk about in my book 'Transforming Performance Measurement.'
Open Slideshare
Dean Spitzer, Ph.D.
Dean Spitzer, Ph.D. 1st degree connection1st Performance Measurement Innovator; author of 'Transforming Performance Measurement'​; 13,000+ connections Dean R Spitzer & Associates Inc. University of Southern California Melbourne, Florida Area 500+ 500+ connections Dr. Dean Spitzer is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading authorities on performance measurement and management. His latest book 'Transforming Performance Measurement' has been hailed as a 'breakthrough,' 'a masterpiece,' and 'the most important book ever written about performance measurement.' Dr. Spitzer’s advice and counsel is sought by companies and government agencies throughout the world. During his distinguished career, he has helped more than 100 organizations on five continents improve their performance. Dr. Spitzer's client list reads like a Who's Who of outstanding companies and government agencies. He has been a leader and internal change agent in the private and public sectors, a professor at 5 universities, the author of 8 books and over 200 articles and book chapters, and a keynote and featured presenter at more than 100 conferences. Dr. Spitzer has received many honors for his significant professional contributions, including being selected as a Fellow of the Advanced Performance Institute and receiving two President’s Awards from the International Society for Performance Improvement. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California and his M.A. from Northwestern University and pursued both undergraduate and graduate studies at the London School of Economics. Specialties: Performance measurement, performance management, organizational change, management development, human resource development
Open external link

Christopher Swan ... Commons Sense technology

Open PDF ... Christopher-Swan-Commons-Sense-2014

John Swannick ... Reporting Value
Non-financial dimensions
John Swannick ... Monetising the non-financial ... Sustained and sustainable organisational change
Open file 12397
Reporting value
John Swannick ... Value and a new disclosure paradigm
Open file 12398

TTT go to TOP

Olinga Ta'eed
Open PDF ... Seratio-Blockchain-whitepaper-Values-Based-Impact-Interventions-161212-v2-12
Open L0500-Seratio

Graham M. Turner ... Sustainability
MSSI-ResearchPaper-4-Turner-2014 ... Is Global Collapse Imminent
Author : Dr Graham M. Turner is a Principal Research Fellow at the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia Editor: Dr Lauren Rickards, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, A research study of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute
Open PDF ... MSSI-ResearchPaper-4-Turner-2014

UUU go to TOP

VVV go to TOP

Léon de Caluwé and Hans Vermaak ... Five Color Change Paradigms
Open PDF ... Caluwe-Vermaak-Change-Paradigms

WWW go to TOP

Mathis Wackernagel
Mathis Wackernagel ... founder Global Footprint Network
Linkedin profile ...
Open external link
Sustainable Development / Sustainable Living
TEDx presentation by Mathis Wackernagel
Video ... How much Nature do we have? How much do we use? | Mathis Wackernagel | TEDxSanFrancisco
Open file 12319

Hongying Wang
Hongying Wang
Navigation to material about Hongying Wang
Open L0600P-Hongying Wang

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Toby Webb Innovation Forum

Bob Willard ... Sustainability Advantage
Bob Willard
Navigation to material about Bob Willard
Open L0600P-Bob-Willard

Stuart-Williams ... Prosperity, People, Planet
Open PDF ... Stuart-Williams-Making-a-Profit-while-Making-a-Difference-140920
Stuart Williams ... multiple initiatives to make impact matter
Open external link

Andrew Winston ... The Big Pivot
Andrew Winston
Author, The Big Pivot ... Founder | Winston Eco-Strategies
Open L0600P-Andrew-Winston

Mary Christina Wood ... the ancient legal concept of 'in trust'
Mary Christina Wood
Open L0600P-Mary Christina Wood

XXX go to TOP

YYY go to TOP

ZZZ go to TOP

MISC go to TOP

Paul Singer Investor
Paul Singer
The world’s most feared investor. Paul Singer targeted the world’s biggest mining company, took on Buffett in a battle for Texas’s largest electricity distributor, ousted CEOs on both sides of the Atlantic, and set off a chain of events that led to the impeachment of South Korea’s president. He also litigated an entire South American country into submission. While he’s been scorned for sometimes using bullying tactics, Singer sees his tough reputation as a selling point for investors in his company, Elliott Management, which manages $34 billion of assets. Here’s a look at its recent investments.
Open External link

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