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Personal Branding

Elements of personal branding that should be understood and optimized


Peter Burgess
  1. Everyday I am working on the thing I love and the thing I'm best at
  2. I am clear on what I want to be known for, and this is how I'm perceived
  3. My online presence is a true reflection of me
  4. I research my target audience, I am completely confident that I understand them deeply
  5. I know my ideal customer better then they know themselves
  6. My profiles are all aligned and clearly say what I do
  7. My brand and content is focused on solving my audience's problems or helping them achieve their desires
  8. I am getting all the opportunities I deserve, I am not missing out because of my lack of brand
  9. I can honestly say I am creating enough content
  10. I am clear on my how experience and story has got me to where I am
  11. I have my own personal brand logo and professional social media headers
  12. I have a strong lead magnet which gets sign ups every week
  13. I never have enough time to achieve the things I want to
  14. I have a clear content strategy, I am regularly creating content
  15. I speak at the events I want to speak at
  16. I am clear on my style, I know how I want people to perceive me
  17. I believe my personal brand is (or could be) powerful if I had the confidence to ‘own it’
  18. I have up to date high quality photos of myself which accurately represent me online
  19. I am totally fulfilled, I am living a life truly in flow
  20. I can say what I do in one sentence
  21. If you google me, go to my website or go on my social media, you will get a consistent view of me
  22. I am utilising video, live video, blogging and social media to grow my brand
  23. I know what my values are, they help me to attract and filter the right people
  24. I know what makes me unique, this helps me attract customers
  25. I am clear on my target audience, I live and breath their dreams and desires
  26. I have my own personal brand website, my own 'online home'
  27. I have a strong presence on my chosen social media platform, my followers are growing
  28. I am willing to commit 3-4 hours per week to my brand and my future
  29. I feel my branding (logos, website etc) are high quality and representing me well
  30. I am an authority in my niche because of my experience and results and people can see this online
  31. I am clear on my brand story, it attracts and engages my audience
  32. I am driven to grow my brand because I have a message to share which can help others
  33. I have a clear plan for my content and social media posts meaning I always use my time efficiently
  34. I am clear on my purpose, my 'why'
  35. I never let fear get the best of me, my lack of personal brand has nothing to do with being scared
  36. I can easily list the top 3 challenges and top 3 desires that my target audience faces
  37. I am utilising social media in the best way possible
  38. I can easily contact a list of people who are my target audience with new content
  39. I am clear on my niche and am seen as an authority in it
  40. I have an email list filled with my target audience
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.