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Animal Welfare
SumofUs Petition

Horse blood ... SumofUs pushing IDT Biologika to stop working with torturous blood farms in Uruquay

At an emotional level I want to sign this petition (and in fact did so) but I am not sure that my emotion on the subject fits the facts as they should be presented. What has become clear as I have been developing the architecture for True Value Impact Accounting is that every activity ... every thing that gets made or used ... has impacts. The big question is whether the impacts have a net benefit or value add or result in value destruction.
This petition describes what is needed to have me emotionally involved. I really want to know ALL the impact. What exactly are profits being made? What are the medical benefits being realized? What animal welfare issues are there? What other environmental issues are there?
In a world where metrics really work, all of these matters should be easy to number ... and the basis of the numbers we ought to be able to make better decisions. In the modern world where the dominant metric is profit, all sorts of poor decisions are being made, albeit good for profits.
Better numbers along the lines being developed by TVM will not be perfect, but they will most likely a whole lot better than the terrrible trio of corporate profit, GDP growth and capital market stock prices.
Peter Burgess

Gmail Peter Burgess Re: Horse blood 1 message Wiebke Schroeder, Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 8:41 AM Reply-To: To: Peter Burgess


After years of investigative work by the Animal Welfare Foundation, its partners in Uruguay, and hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members like you taking action, Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) has cut all ties with horse blood farms in South America!

Together, we’ve moved a pharma giant. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with. But we cannot stop here.

Cruel horse blood farms will still operate as long as there are pharma companies willing to buy their products -- and the next big player could step in and take over the business MSD has left behind.

Peter, will you join our fight to push IDT Biologika to stop working with torturous blood farms?

Click here to sign our petition to pharma corporation IDT Biologika.

Thank you!


Petition to pharma corporation IDT Biologika:

On nightmarish blood farms, horses are horrifically drained of their blood -- all for the profits of pharma companies like IDT Biologika.

Tell IDT Biologika to cut its ties with these blood farms!



Big pharma is making huge profits from the torture of horses. Thousands of horses are raised purely for the purpose of having their blood extracted and sold -- with dire consequences.

It’s a sickening business that the SumOfUs community has been standing up against for months -- and we’ve made important progress in our fight to stop it.

After SumOfUs members raised the alarm, a major pharma company, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme (MSD), changed its policy.

But blood farms will still operate as long as there are pharma companies willing to buy their products. Can you help push the next big player, Germany's IDT Biologika, to cut ties with blood farms? We’ll be delivering your voices straight to IDT Biologika’s headquarters in less than two weeks -- so please add your name now.

Tell IDT Biologika to cut ties with torturous blood farms!

Blood farm conditions are worse than you’d ever imagine.

On farms in Uruguay and Argentina, our partners revealed that workers routinely take 10 litres of blood from the horse in a single extraction -- almost a fourth of its total blood. That much blood loss can lead to hypovolemic shock, anaemia or even death.

It’s a hormone called PMSG that the pharma industry is after. Because the valuable hormone can only be found in the blood of mares in their early pregnancy, they are forced into repeated pregnancies and abortions. Finally, they are shipped off to be slaughtered once they’re too weak or old to become pregnant.

In a cruel cycle of animal exploitation, the precious hormone obtained from pregnant mare blood is used by the pig industry to make the industrial production of piglets even more efficient.

More and more politicians, organizations and regular people like you and me are speaking out against this horrific practice. If we keep up the pressure, we can get IDT Biologika to cut ties with the most notorious blood farms we know about.

Sign the petition asking IDT Biologika to cut its ties with these cruel blood farms.

After years of investigative work by the Animal Welfare Foundation, its partners in Uruguay, and hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members taking action, Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) is changing its ways -- at least for its products in Europe.

It’s proof that when we come together with strong partners and amazing members like you, we have the power to shift large corporations.

Now it’s time to get IDT Biologika to make a move. They've never been hit by a campaign like this before -- so tens of thousands of us coming together to hold IDT Biologika accountable can make all the difference!

Can you sign to end the torture of horses for pharma industry's profits?

Thanks for all that you do,

Wiebke and the rest of the team at SumOfUs

More information:

Blood farms in Uruguay and Argentina de TSB|AWF, Animal Welfare Foundation. PMSG STELLUNGNAHME, MSD Animal Health ('PMSG statement', in German), 12 July, 2017. Pferdeblut in der Schweinezucht ('Horse blood in the big industry', in German). MDR Kultur, 31 January, 2017. Turning Horse Blood into Profits, The Dodo, 2 October, 2015. Blood farms, Animal Welfare Foundation. Wie Pharmakonzerne mit Pferdeblut Geschäfte machen ('This is how pharmaceutical companies turn horse blood into profits', in German), Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 29 September, 2015.

SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.

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