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Social Impact Exchange

Social Impact Exchange paper by Yusi-Wang-Turell on impact measurement ... January 2014 together with Chris Macrae communications


Peter Burgess

Open PDF ... Social Impact Exchange paper by Yusi-Wang-Turell on impact measurement ... January 2014

Gmail Peter Burgess
Re: dear fiona. yusi. laura
christopher macrae
Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:29 PM
Reply-To: christopher macrae
To: '' , Fiona Wilson , Peter Burgess , David Ives
Cc: Laura P Dagan

yusi nice surprise today to get a mail from social impact exchange featuring a paper of yours Yusi Wang Turell, executive director of the Center on Social Innovation & Finance at the Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire, writes about a Prerequisite for the Growth of a Field: A Common Framework for Social Impact Measurement?, in which she challenges us to consider the benefits of developing field-wide common standards of measurement and evaluation frameworks.

for the maths guy in me exponential impact valuation measurements are one of my favorite subjects though I have to say I have found much literature indigestible (wish that all academics would start at the survey of unseen wealth that margaret blair chaired 2000 while she was working for georgetown law school and brookings)- its conclusions which drive all the big accountants mad - until an opposite audit counterbalances yours you will compound risk unseen especially at boundaries of systems you treat as separate and ripe for externalisation - not a logical hypothesis for a borderless networked world

one of the great problems in valuation metrics since I began to know there was a problem while working at coopers and lybrand around 1990 is its much better to start with a clean slate than to try and force fit them into tangible accounting top-down without any grounded context -I have been through pretty well every general reporting and accountancy metrics in the book during the 1990s and none of them start with the assumption that tangible accounting is the perfect mathematics for one big side extracting from every other - which is all one gets the only number being looked at is how much profit has one study extracted from all others

- call this a trillion dollar auditing crisis as it also apples to what the most productive purpose of each global market sector needs to be for future of youth

peter is another brit in usa who I first met around 2008 who unlike me is a chartered accountant but like me would say that if at the end of the day an impact measure has to be fit into way big 4 do tangible accounting it can never sustain anything community sustaining or relevant to youth's future trust - and certainly nothing relevant to the millennium greatest collaboration goals such as end poverty

I would love to discuss this face to face some time

also there is much connecting over the next 2 years of process before we try and make the youth entrepreneur expo in atlanta on fall 2015 more impactiful for youth than the olympics - a rough personal blog of this journey is at

-welcome any suggestions of where or when we could update each others news

while these 2 issues can be updated separately - they could also be connected; 2 ways I can imagine doing that- start to linkin a youth circulation list of social impact - it needs to be a great youth debrief at atlanta' or start preparing jointly some maximum 9 minute audio trainings on this subject in format similar to khan academy

by november 2015 one of my personal goals is

  • either to have developed some relationship with khan academy so they feature at least some of the audios produced up to atlanta
  • or to have got agreement by all hosts of atlanta that an alternative top page is to open training links where 9 minute modules on stuff youth have never heard before but need to make the net generation the most productive and sustainably impactful or openly catalogued
  • or to have got an agreement that some of the content will be used in the youth entrepreneur curriculum that my s.african friend taddy blecher with his partners like branson are planing to distribute to 14 million south african youth a year as the benchmark for the most complete youth entrepreneur literacy schools program from kindergarten up; we are also linking in as far as we can the family responsible for schooling 50000 world citizens a year at lucknow
cheers chris macrae washington dc 1 301 881 1655 skype chrismacraedc

From: Laura P Dagan
To: christopher macrae
Cc: 'Wilson, Fiona' ; ''
Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2013, 8:31
Subject: Re: dear fiona. yusi. laura

Dear Chris,

Thank you so much for providing these links, for your insights, and for the work you are doing. It was such a pleasure to meet you and participate in such a wonderful event. I am looking forward to continuing our discussions via email.

Best regards,


Laura P. Dagan
Cell: 802-233-7199

On Sep 30, 2013, at 4:26 AM, christopher macrae wrote:

Wonderful dinner Sunday - thanks

I thought it might help if I started listing a few webs etc; I can try and add more details (or more personal contacts) if some interest you in coming weeks

when yunus talks about energy his main web - the knowhow for installing million solar in Bangladesh is

when he mentions a Frankfurt company that operates particular international projects eg in Haiti and Albania it is

One of the community projects is on cleaning water - yunus international knowhow partnership is with the French company Also a Singapore hub of his events is led by a world authority on sanitation in developing world - web

In USA the CEO who does most to help citizen chapters form around yunus type ideas is whole foods CEO John Mackey regional chapters are invited to form around book and ideology of we are hoping to know how to do that in tri-state region of DC, MD, VA by end of year and happy to share what works with other citizen groups. Mackey's web on which agricultural microcredits WholeFoods invests in around the world is and his school lunch nutrition campaign is Previously the university at yunus competition I have found most into nutrition projects is Auburn; I have also kept in touch with aquaponics networks in Oregon. I will dig out some other references later in week to Obama community broadband projects that supported local foods

You mentioned Arizona State. I know that the Barrett family (formerly Intel president) are associated with one of Arizona universities - will dig out references late in week. Yunus also has the partnership

I believe the next 2 years will be make or break to get as much yunus type content out as possible on moocs and khanacademy- not only through mooc but also through merging virtual student competitions and summit networks (eg post 2015 millennium goals internationally, and post Obama eg if HBU networks are to have mamimum community regenerating impacts). An interesting early example of a change world summit (last week's social good summit in new York) becoming a MOOC is being linked in by the president of Wesleyan -see eg

I was in Budapest in June to celebrate George Soros awarding Sir Fazle Abed the 20th open society laureate. Soros is starting a series of MOOCs on rethinking economics

best chris macrae

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