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Doctor slams debt, health care in front of president ... Dr. Ben Carson on Obama's reaction ... A Fox interview


Peter Burgess

Doctor slams debt, health care in front of president ... Dr. Ben Carson on Obama's reaction

This transcript is automatically generated

-- the doctor wrote didn't have a problem slamming healthcare spending.

Just feet from the present United States.

We spent a lot of money and -- here twice as much per capita is anybody else in the world and yet not very efficient.

We'll talk about -- it as a director pediatric surgery Johns Hopkins doctor very good to have you that what the president -- you went to your remarks about.

He came over to me and said that I appreciate it my speech and that he admired me.

And shook my hand and didn't squeeze it to -- that was very good.

When he needed squeezed or it was -- like one of these about a cancer.

There was a good -- sick -- You know many of your critics are terrible on the liberal side -- that you were just trying to showboat for an occasion.

The number democratic legislators -- set as much.

But you argue not so. Right?

-- -- What we need to do is we need to be able to discuss in intelligent ways.

Of solving them off the fitness problems that threaten to destroy our nation's.

And there are a group of people who would like to silence everybody and have everybody go along to get along.

But that's not going to be very helpful for us in the long run in terms of solving our problems and somebody has to be courageous enough to actually stand out to the the bullies.

You know I think it would -- you stand out a little bit -- you're not a fire breather I mean you're an accomplice well respected internationally renowned doctor. -- and and then you're -- you had one of the most Justice Department's at all medicine. At one of the most prestigious schools -- -- medicine having said that. Why did you take it upon yourself to go beyond just medical policy. And talk about tax policy what -- getting. Well one of the things that I also said during the speech is there will be some people who will say. But you're a doctor and neurosurgeon you should be sticking to that.

And I mention the fact that five -- signed the declaration of independence.

And were involved framing of the constitution and the bill of rights and several other things.

There's absolutely no reason at all that physicians ... Scientists ... shouldn't be involved in things that affect all of us. We are people who can learn how to make decisions based on facts ... Empirical data ... Rather than on ideology.

And -- one -- the geniuses.

One of the that -- -- real things that that made us a great nation is that we brought people from all backgrounds.

Into the legislative process so that all of us would be able to place our interest there and we've gone significantly away from that.

And no one ever says to a lawyer why are you getting involved in this and that and the other I don't see why they would say it to a position.

We have more education than anyone else in society.

I sometimes say that even about TV anchors -- -- this is what it is doctor but I was focus are on on their reaction you were getting from the president as you were making.

You're remarks did you know where did you suspect what you were saying was going as we're watching this started a little bit.

Well there's no question that he has advocated.

You know basically a policy of tax the rich.

And I have advocated -- policy that comes from the Bible.

Which is a very fair policy of proportional.

Taxation if it was good enough for god.

Why wouldn't it be good enough for us the minute you deviate away from that.

You begin to get into all kinds of bias -- and one can legitimate diligent and mentally make the argument that the rich pay to minimum tax is the top 1%.

Paced 37% of the -- the top 5% 59% of tax but they don't make that much of the income.

One could make that argument.

It depends on your philosophical disposition which argument you gonna make that you take those arguments away as soon -- you go to a proportional impact I believe that's recent cut does it.

You don't look when the president gave up with their health care.

Initiative legislation -- now law.

He argued that many many doctors supported and and that they overwhelming majority that he contacted and and dealt with and and disgusted with -- -- what do you think of that how many you obviously know the medical professor better than and myself are certainly the president I mean how would you -- gauge reaction among your fellow about. Well I.

I I know a lot of doctors who work for the -- actions and I didn't find a lot of support for I found a lot of people who were.

Really quite to disappointed.

And what what bothered them -- -- what was -- it's -- that that wasn't the greatest -- Well first of all it's an expansion.

Of the bureaucracy.

You know what do you need for good health care you -- a patient and you need a doctor.

Along comes the middleman to facilitate the relationship.

And it has become this -- creature that completely controls everything.

And it isn't really even necessary.

You know it when it doesn't bigger issue of this sort of class warfare for lack of about a bit of a better term doctor that's when I really.

Focus on the president we've sort of focused on just his reaction as you were.

Talking about that someone you do focus on this and then react to and I know you can't see it I -- from your vantage point.

Suffice to say that our viewers at home will be able -- -- is not too pleasant.

Reaction to what you were so.

-- -- -- You know you make ten billion dollars you've put in a billion you make ten dollars you put in one.

Which you gotta get rid of the -- Have got some people say.

That's simple that's not because it doesn't hurt the guy who made ten billion dollars as much of -- with a guy who make ten.

Where does that say you have to hurt the guy he just put a billion dollars in the pot

I got the feeling looking at that -- you were there I wasn't.

That he figured who got this guy on the -- -- who shot fist -- speak.


Leaving that aside.

-- -- -- a -- round of applause there are some in that room and elsewhere since there's.

Video's gone viral who is said.

You should run for president was -- -- that.

Well actually have to have people telling me that for many years now if that I had a nickel for everybody who tell me that -- financed my campaign.

You and me defending -- -- but I felt like a superhero but what you're you're in your reaction that is what I -- -- you don't think that's.

For you you want to be a doctor help people what.

I've always said if god Chris we've had a collar and sticks me in that area that's the only way -- -- -- it.


No I'm actually gonna retire.

And June.


Surgery I was still teach I was still be involved but I'm going to retire from surgery.

So it does open up a lot of possibilities for me you know I'm very focused on education.

And hitting the -- back to where it used to be like back in 1831.

When Alexis de Tocqueville came here was so impressed.

Because an uneducated populace will fall for anything.

And if you go -- you talk to most people they mean well but they don't have much of a breath of -- education of knowledge of understanding what the real issues are ... and therefore they listen to pundits on television -- tell them what they're supposed to think and they keep repeating that pretty soon they say oh well that Must be true.

I assume symptoms -- talk about other pundits doctor but yes I I hear music and sir thank you very much very good idea it was very interesting to watch that -- thank you have at all played out at the breakfast.

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