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Politics and Social Media

AJStream ... US election: The week in social media ... Our regular look at how the campaign plays out online, as Obama and Romney trade barbs over taxes and secret videos.


Posting as Peter Burgess ... Founder, CEO at
While real time social media gets attention, it is dangerously superficial. Democracy works when there is an electorate that is well informed, gets engaged and votes. My assessment of Obama's Presidency is that he has done extremely well and we will be well served by Obama having a second term. My understanding of the Romney Ryan approach to governance and leadership leads me to the conclusion that they would set back the global economy very badly as well as making the world a more dangerous place. The task at hand should be not only to re-elect Obama, but also to give him a Congress that will cooperate for the benefit of the country and the broader world!

Peter Burgess

US election: The week in social media Our regular look at how the campaign plays out online, as Obama and Romney trade barbs over taxes and secret videos. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS While presidential candidates still spend much of their time rallying voters in arenas and shaking hands, elections are increasingly going digital. This week, Obama made traditional newspaper headlines and unleashed digital reaction by stating that Washington can’t be changed “from inside”. He told crowds that citizens needed to get active to mobilise traditional politicians. Romney shot back saying that Obama should be booted out of office, so he could get back to making changes from the outside. Supporters of both candidates ran with the remarks. As part of Al Jazeera’s election coverage, we will be providing regular updates on how the most expensive presidential campaign in US history is playing out online. Obama: I've Learned You Can't Change Washington From The Inside goprapidresponse 6 days ago Obama went on to qualify his statement by using the US healthcare bill as an example. “I’ve learned some lessons. Most important is you can’t change Washington from inside, only from the outside. That’s how some of our biggest accomplishments like health care got done — mobilizing the American people.” Obama’s change from within and the close-reading problem - ComPost - The Washington Post 5 days ago That point, however, did not make the YouTube clips circulated by Republican bloggers. After a week of Romney gaffes revealed by a secretly recorded video, the Republican candidate was quick to jump on Obama's comment. Candidate Obama's slogan in 2008 was ‘Yes, we can.’ His slogan now is ‘No, I can’t.’ It's time for a new president. Mitt Romney 6 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite @MittRomney @PaulRyanVP @BarackObama @michellemalkin @marklevinshow #noicant J. Brassfield 6 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Romney Attacks Obama For Saying He Can't Change Washington From Inside politicsbuzz 6 days ago His sentiment was echoed by conservatives on Twitter, who often tweet with the hashtag #tcot (for Top Conservatives on Twitter). Obama says you can only change Washington from the outside. Then why did he allege he could do it as president? #tcot #ROmneyRYan2012 Sistervative 5 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Obama says you can only change Washington from the outside, so lets give him the chance and send him outside Michael C Greene 6 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Time for @BarackObama to #change Washington from the outside. #seeya #RomneyRyan2012 #tcot PolitiKellyRIGHT 6 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite As some bloggers pointed out, Romney himself made a similar remark in a 2007 interview: I believe that at this time, to change Washington, it would be helpful to have somebody who comes with more private sector skill, experience outside Washington. Mitt on Huck, McCain, Ann - First Read 5 days ago I don't think you change Washington from the inside. I think you change it from the outside Mitt on Huck, McCain, Ann - First Read 5 days ago Another clip widely circulated online among Republicans this week is of a 1998 speech given by Obama in which the President (then-state senator) addresses the concept of wealth redistribution: Obama In 1998: 'I Actually Believe In Redistribution' ZLuKEvSG2DxkPqNpMLxqsA 8 days ago 1 like Romney referenced the recording at a fundraiser on Wednesday. 'There’s a tape that came out just a couple of days ago where the president said yes he believes in redistribution. I don’t. I believe the way to lift people and help people have higher incomes is not to take from some and give to others but to create wealth for all.' Mitt Romney Offers Full-Throated Attack On Obama's 'Redistribution' 5 days ago While some Twitter users alleged bias in the mainstream press for outlets not giving as much attention to the 'redistribution' comment as they did for the leaked Romney fundraiser video. I don't see why we aren't making a big deal about those redistribution comments by Obama. Eric July 5 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite Obama tape in favor of “redistribution” of wealth, got only 6 min. in 8 stories, but Romney got 88 min. in 42 stories-13 to 1 ratio. Bias!!! Barbara Garro 5 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite the redistribution of wealth. But how many of you heard Obama? Probably a lot less. This main stream media liberal bias is getting old Bradley Rotter 7 days ago ReplyRetweetFavorite The Obama campaign was quick to jump on Romney's use of the President's 1998 remarks, saying the President's words were taken out of context. The Romney campaign has made a practice of deliberately taking President Obama’s words out of context to manufacture false attacks. Watch what happens when Romney’s strategy is turned against him—then share this video with your friends. Obama Truth Team — Barack Obama 5 days ago Mitt Romney Out of Context barackobamadotcom 6 days ago On the question of context, blogger Alexandra Petri alleges both candidates are guilty of taking misleading soundbites from the other in order to make a larger point: Both campaigns keep doing this. Make one remark that can be gleefully dismantled out of context, and dozens of essays spring up proclaiming that this is the One Key to All Obama’s Thinking or Really the Paragraph That Gives You Romney’s True Philosophy. Smite one and dozens grow in its place. Obama’s change from within and the close-reading problem - ComPost - The Washington Post 5 days ago Don't miss more stories by The Stream✚ Subscribe

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