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US Politics
Republican provocateurs

Here Are the Names of Every Republican Who Voted to Overturn Election Results


Peter Burgess
Here Are the Names of Every Republican Who Voted to Overturn Election Results

Sen. Ted Cruz fist bumps with a House member during a break in a joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 Electoral College results on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. ERIN SCHAFF-POOL / GETTY IMAGES

In the wake of an assault on the U.S. Capitol by a fascist mob ginned up by President Donald Trump, many Republicans in the House and Senate still voted Thursday to object to President-elect Joe Biden’s decisive election win in a lie-fueled, last-ditch attempt to overturn the results of the democratic process and disenfranchise tens of millions of voters.

The effort ultimately failed as Congress voted in the early hours of Thursday morning to certify Biden’s victory over the Republican objections, but progressive lawmakers are demanding accountability for the GOP members who were complicit in the Trump-led coup attempt.

“They are co-conspirators in sedition,” Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said of the Republican lawmakers who objected to the certification of Biden’s win.

As Common Dreams reported Wednesday, Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is planning to introduce a resolution calling for the expulsion of lawmakers who “incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election.”

“They have broken their sacred Oath of Office,” Bush added.

In a statement late Wednesday, Brian Kettering of the Center for Popular Democracy Action said in support of Bush’s resolution that “Trump and members of Congress must face consequences for inciting an attempted coup to stop the peaceful transition of power, which is enshrined into our Constitution.”

“We cannot stand by,” said Kettering, “while the very people elected to protect our democracy encourage violent attempts to overthrow the government.”

Below are the names of the Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate who voted in favor of rejecting electoral votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania, battleground states that Biden carried.

The 121 House Republicans who voted to reject Arizona’s electoral votes:
Aderholt, Allen, Arrington, babin, Baird, Banks, Bergman, Bice (OK), Biggs, Bishop (NC), Boebert, Bost, Brooks, Budd, Burchett, Burgess, Calvert, Cammack, Garcia (CA), Gibbs, Gimenez, Gohmert, Good (VA), Gooden (TX), Gosar, Graves (MO), Green (TN), Greene (GA), Griffith, Guest, Hagedorn, Harris, Harshbarger, Hartzler, Hern, Herrell, McCarthy, McClain, Miller (IL), Miller (WV), Moore (AL), Mullin, Nehls, Norman, Nunes, Obernolte, Palazzo, Palmer, Palmer, Perry, Pfluger, Posey, Reschenthaler, Rice (SC), Rogers (AL)
Carl, Carter (GA), Carter (TX), Cawthorn, Cline, Cloud, Clyde, Cole, Crawford, Davidson, DesJarlais, Diaz-Balart, Donalds, Duncan, Du
nn, Estes, Fallon, Fischbach, Fitzgerald, Fleischmann, Franklin, C. Scott, Fulcher, Gaetz, Hice (GA), Higgens (LA), Hudson, Issa, Jackson, Jacobs (NY), Johnson (LA), Johnson (OH), Jordan, Joyce (PA), Kelly (MS), Kelly (PA), LaMalfa, Lamborn, LaTurner, Lesko, Long Loudermilk, Lucas, Luetkemeyer, Malliotakis, Mann, Mast, Rogers (KY), Rose, Rosendale, Rouzer, Rutherford, Scalise, Sessions, Smith (MO), Smith (NE), Steube, Tiffany, Timmons, Van Drew, Walberg, Walorski, Weber (TX), Webster (FL), Williams (TX), Wilson (SC), Wright, Zeldin
The 138 House Republicans who voted to reject Pennsylvania’s electoral votes:
Aderholt, Allen, Arrington, Babin, Baird, Banks, Bentz, Bergman, Bice (OK), Biggs, Bishop (NC), Boebert, Bost, Brooks, Budd, Burchett, Burgess, Calvert, Cammack, Gimenez, Gohmert, Good (VA), Gooden (TX), Gosar, Graves (LA), Graves (MO), Green (TN), Greene (GA), Griffith, Guest, Hagedorn, Harris, Harshbarger, Hartzler, Hern, Herrell, Hice (GA), Higgins (LA), Mooney, Moore (AL), Mullin, Murphy (NC), Nehls, Norman, Nunes, Obernolte, Palazzo, Palmer, Pence, Perry, Pfluger, Posey, Reschenthaler, Rice (SC), Rogers (AL), Rogers (KY)Carl, Carter (GA), Carter (TX), Cawthorn, Chabot, Cline, Cloud, Clyde, Cole, Crawford, Davidson, DesJarlais, Diaz-Balart, Donalds, Duncan, Dunn, Estes, Fallon, Fischbach, Fitzgerald, Fleischmann, Foxx, Franklin, C. Scott, Fulcher, Gaetz, Garcia (CA), Gibbs, Hudson, Issa, Jackson, Jacobs (NY), Johnson (LA), Johnson (OH), Jordan, Joyce (PA), Keller, Kelly (MS), Kelly (PA), Kustoff, LaMalfa, Lamborn, Lesko, Long, Loudermilk, Lucas, Luetkemeyer, Malliotakis, Mann, Mast, McCarthy, McClain, Meuser, Miller (IL), Miller (WV), Rose, Rosendale, Rouzer, Rutherford, Scalise, Schweikert, Sessions, Smith (MO), Smith (NE), Smucker, Stefanik, Steube, Stewart, Thompson (PA), Tiffany, Timmons, Van Drew, Van Duyne, Walberg, Walorski, Weber (TX), Webster (FL), Williams (TX), Wilson (SC), Wittman, Wright, Zeldin
The six Senate Republicans who voted to reject Arizona’s electoral votes:
Cruz (R-TX), Hawley (R-MO), Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Kennedy (R-LA), Marshall (R-KS), Tuberville (R-AL)
The seven Senate Republicans who voted to reject Pennsylvania’s electoral votes:
Cruz (R-TX), Hawley (R-MO), Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Lummis (R-WY), Marshall (R-KS), Scott (R-FL), Tuberville (R-AL)
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