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Common Dreams

Not One Republican Votes to Allow Debate on Resolution Condemning Trump's Racist Attacks | Other News & Views


Peter Burgess
Not One Republican Votes to Allow Debate on Resolution Condemning Trump's Racist Attacks | News & Views Inbox x Common Dreams Unsubscribe Jul 16, 2019, 5:03 PM (2 days ago) to me Common Dreams News & Views | 7/16/19 Feature... Not One Republican Votes to Allow Debate on Resolution Condemning Trump's Racist Attacks by Jake Johnson, staff writer 'House Democrats must stand together and listen to these new leaders in the party who are fighting for their communities by standing up to Trump's hate.' News... All Democratic 2020 Frontrunners But Biden Denounce DOJ for Failing to Hold Officer Accountable In Eric Garner's Death by Julia Conley, staff writer With the exception of Joe Biden, by mid-day on Tuesday, most 2020 Democratic frontrunners had expressed support for Eric Garner's family and outrage over the Trump administration's decision not to prosecute the New York police officer accused of killing him in 2014. 'A Hotter Future That's Hard to Imagine': Super-Charged by Climate Crisis, New Study Warns of 'Killer Heat' Set to Overtake US Eduardo Velev cools off in the spray of a fire hydrant during a heatwave on July 1, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. An excessive heat warning has been issued in Philadelphia and along the East Coast as hot and humid weather hits the region this week. (Photo: Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images) by Jon Queally, staff writer 'If we wish to spare people in the United States and around the world the mortal dangers of extreme and relentless heat, there is little time to do so and little room for half measures.' Amid Amazon Prime Day Protests, Sanders and Omar Lead Call for Probe of 'Brutal and Hazardous Working Conditions' NJ warehouse by Jessica Corbett, staff writer As protests of Amazon's 48-hour 'Prime Day' continued Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders and a dozen House Democrats demanded a federal probe of workplace conditions employees have described as 'grueling' and 'unsafe.' 'Good,' Says Elizabeth Warren, After Billionaire Right-Winger Peter Thiel Says She's 2020 Democrat He Is 'Most Scared By' Sen. Elizabeth Warren had just one word to say on Tuesday after billionaire right-winger Peter Thiel said she was the 'dangerous one' among all the current 2020 presidential candidates. (Photo: flickr/cc) by Jon Queally, staff writer Sen. Elizabeth Warren had just one word to say on Tuesday after billionaire right-winger Peter Thiel said she was the 'dangerous one' among all the current 2020 presidential candidates. Kellyanne Conway Questions Reporter's Ethnicity While Defending President's Latest Racist Remarks White House Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway talks to reporters outside of the West Wing July 16, 2019. by Eoin Higgins, staff writer 'So McCarthyism, now against people whose ancestors aren't from Europe.' 'The Difference Is Thousands of Lives': Sanders Releases Chart Contrasting Biden's Incremental Healthcare Plan With Medicare for All by Jake Johnson, staff writer 'Biden's plan would preserve a broken system,' said Sen. Bernie Sanders's 2020 presidential campaign More News Views... A $15 Minimum Wage Is Exactly What Our Economy Needs The latest studies have shown unequivocally that raising the minimum wage is a boon to society overall -- stimulating the economy, decreasing poverty-related stress, and increasing productivity. (Photo: Getty Images) by Mark Pocan, Pramila Jayapal The Raise the Wage Act is an opportunity for Congress to restore dignity to work and stability to the lives of millions who work hard every day for less and less Trump’s 'Go Back' Racist Epithet; Oh, So Familiar 'You know how these people lie!' 12 Angry Men (1957). (Photo: Screengrab) by Jud Lounsbury Trump has dived deep into the septic tank before. But, folks, this is truly a new low Trump Murdered the Iran Deal—And Europe Isn’t Too Happy About It When Donald Trump campaigned for the U.S. presidency in 2016, he would frequently attack the JCPOA as Obama’s folly. (Photo: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images) by Vijay Prashad The U.S. behavior regarding such international agreements, Macron said, was 'insane.' Merger Mania: The Military-Industrial Complex on Steroids Raytheon Technologies will have more money to make campaign contributions, more money to hire lobbyists, and more production sites that can be used as leverage over members of Congress loathe to oppose spending on weapons produced in their states or districts. (Photo: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg via Getty Images) by William Hartung Eisenhower's worst nightmare Top 4 Ways the Squad of Young Congresswomen Represent More Americans Than Trump The parents of these women were blue collar or service workers, and that is the real point. That’s 85% of the country. (Photo by Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images) by Juan Cole Trump’s constituency is disproportionately old white people, who are no longer a majority in the US McDonald’s: Stop Exploiting Our Schools McDonald's pioneered methods of attracting school children to its stores. Now its using that connection to rip off local schools. (Photo: Shutterstock) by Cecily Myart-Cruz So-called 'McTeacher’s Nights' rip off teachers, schools, and McDonald’s workers under the guise of raising funds More Views Newswire... Sanders and Omar Lead Group of Dozen Lawmakers Calling for Investigation of Amazon Workplace Abuse Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Response to Justice Department’s Decision to Not Prosecute N.Y.P.D. Officer Responsible for Death of Eric Garner Dangerous Heat to Soar Across Entire US “Breaking” National Weather Service Heat Index Scale, Posing Unprecedented Health Risks More Newswire...
Common Dreams
Jul 16, 2019, 5:03 PM
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