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Right and wrong marketing perspective

TEDx talk ... Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action


Peter Burgess

TALKS | TEDX Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action TEDxPuget Sound Don't look at critics for your truth! Started by Scott Taylor 22 Comments How to make ideas happen? Started by Mairaj Pirada 3 Comments Education leaders should model effective teaching by getting back in the classroom. Started by Scott Taylor 18 Comments מכטרוניקה ובקרה 0Reply 1 day ago: Question is - Can we adopt this paradigm to our personal life. i.e. to simply ask - 'why do we eat this food?', 'why do I use Facebook?'. No criticism, no judgement - just WHY? I guess it is 'yes we can', and once we are honest with ourselves, the answers have no meaning - Our habits become more rational - we use Facebook to simply to communicate, eat food for fun and survival. We can remeber now WHY we eat, and WHY we use Facebook. We can be less addictive. hmmmm...?? thumb Yasemin Erden 0Reply 3 days ago: Love this talk!!! Andrew Boyd 0Reply 3 days ago: I have to respectfully disagree Joel.. It is only because you've understand WHY & HOW that you've decided WHAT offering you have that will save the customer time and money. In other words, If you don't know why and how your customer uses a product or service, you can't know what to offer them. thumb Bernd Wehmöller 0Reply 2 days ago: I have to respectfully disagree with you .. if you where right, no new products would be possible to create .. how to invent an iPad if no one has an iPad? Do you think Mark Zuckerberg created facebook after investing in what the users may need? I don't believe so, he believed in his idea, nothing else. Today facebook is no longer working with ideas, today they think about what ... what do we need to do to get as much money as possible out of facebook ... and they will fail the next few years, because the first 15% will move to other services. My 5 cents. Earl Breon 0Reply 1 day ago: Bernd, not exactly. Innovation is a direct result of 'Why'. The question is never, 'Why does a customer use my product?, as Andrew presents it. The question is, 'Why do I make the product I make?', and THAT is what makes the difference. Apple didn't invent the Ipad by asking, 'What will people do with it?' They invented the I-pad by saying, 'The reason why we exist is to bring cutting edge, innovative and chic products to the market that people will use daily as an essential part of their life. So, what is the next step in our evolution?' Then somebody looked at the I-pod Touch and figured a larger version was that next step. Facebook is a little different in that it isn't really up to Zuckerberg where it goes. It is up to the collective users and their 'Why'. There are a million 'Why's' in that situation and the great thing about most web based items is that they are all appealing to a large group. I think Simon's example of TiVo is a perfect example. ratheesh vs 0Reply 5 days ago: it's impressive and logically connected one ! thumb Joel Astorga 0Reply Jul 14 2013: i really liked it... but i'd like to add that sometimes the 'why' is not first... and when i say it it's because of the fact that for selling something you have to show WHAT you've got... so i consider that the Why and that What are at a same level Martin Odber 0Reply Jul 7 2013: I recall a vacuum cleaner sales trainer, he said 'you have to BELIEVE in your product because if you don't no one else will either.' We sold astronomically over priced vacuums in a saturated market faster than you could sell icecream at a beach. It was good advice then, and it's good advice now. Simon makes some very valid points. ..and I? I believe that if we want responsible, accountable, reliable government we cannot leave it to others, we need to do the job ourselves. If you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself. Direct Democracy Maria Binesh Marvasti 0Reply Jul 5 2013: GREAT! Changing the belief causes changing the behavior Lance Roth 0Reply Jul 4 2013: OMG! This message is profound to say the least! I shall have to go back to the drawing board - not just in the work situation, but also in my private life! Thank you Simon for sharing this. thumb Lilith Cat 0Reply Jul 1 2013: 'We followd those who lead for ourselves,not for them.'This is one of the most prominent speech I've heard on success science.It is not a simple talk on how to make a merchant successful,it's an exploration for humen behaviour and thoughts. Belief is the most sacred thing for people to follow,and one of the fundamental parts in humen activities. mohammad aghili 0Reply Jun 29 2013: The thing was mentioned in the video was really great”you just can attract people when they believe what you believe” We need to know why we're doing what we are and inspire ourselves and others, even if it's just everyday things, like knowing why you're marrying someone, or why you're going to college for. That's why any business/ startup should start with defining its Vision and Mission statement. This should be the foundation they share with the people associated - employees, investors, cooperation partners, etc. instead of the product they creat Belief has always been a key motivator for everyone who has created change in the world Arteevie Burch 0Reply Jun 28 2013: Always great to watch Danielle Guerra Adão 0Reply Jun 27 2013: One of my favorite! Wonderful! thumb Jonas Gyalokay 0Reply Jun 26 2013: I can watch this video again and again. Wenbo Zhu 0Reply Jun 26 2013: diffusion of innovation. Got it. Teri Austin 0Reply Jun 25 2013: Great video - very inspirational not to mention great logic that is applicable to my role in marketing kamal bhandari 0Reply Jun 21 2013: Really inspiring Jo Monson 0Reply Jun 18 2013: Very simple as they say and yet there is no substitue for living life according to your own purpose. This talk inspired me to identify what I believe in and write it up in my blog, see Greblargheblargh Blarghbleblargh 0Reply Jun 13 2013: I think he means 'buy-ology,' not biology! Sanjeevan Naveenthirarajah 0Reply Jun 13 2013: That's why any business/ startup should start with defining its Vision and Mission statement. This should be the foundation they share with the people associated - employees, investors, cooperation partners, etc. instead of the product they create(d). Deborah Ramirez 0Reply Jun 12 2013: You don't know why but faith is your why, your drive which is the same. You still have a purpose, a drive, to discover your why, and that's enough I think. The why can be that drive that takes you to do great things in life, even if sometimes you can't explain it in words or thoughts, but it's more of a feeling. guo zhanglong 0Reply Jun 12 2013: From this lecture,i learned many things,its very helpful and i will use it in my life. Michael McGee 0Reply Jun 11 2013: Take a look at this link. It provides some support for Simon's assertions. Many of the posts I have read seem to question the role of emotions in decision making. This may help. thumb Juliette Zahn 50+ 0Reply Jun 11 2013: 'The difference is in the why. Inspired leaders follow the 'golden circle' - The correct answer to every why is that which results in a win-win exchange. In other words, for the whole to be considered a win, all parts must succeed. The answer is found by using the whole brain: our two limbic brains and our neocortex. Load more comments… Sign in to add comments or Join (It's free and fast!) 11,516,912 Views Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question 'Why?' His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers ... (Filmed at TEDxPugetSound.) In 2009, Simon Sinek released the book 'Start With Why' -- a synopsis of the theory he has begun using to teach others how to become effective leaders and inspire change. Full bio »

FILMED SEP 2009 • POSTED MAY 2010 • TEDxPuget Sound
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