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Technology, Society and the Economy
Technology Progress

4 Mobile Capabilities We Only Dreamed of Yesterday and Are Already Here Today


I think technology is awesome ... millions of times more competent than when I started my career. So why is society so screwed up? In my view we have been fed propaganda and misinformation for decades by the infamous rich and powerful 1% who have no clue what would be best for the rest of the population. Thank goodness we might soon be using all these devices to reboot the system in a way that is good for a smart economy.

Peter Burgess

4 Mobile Capabilities We Only Dreamed of Yesterday and Are Already Here Today

Not sure if you noticed, but we are living in some super exciting times. I am not even going to throw out the R word because it is as overused as words like “Epic” and “Awesome” but The Times? They Are A-Changin…

It is not often that an eleven year old child can recall such a drastic and extreme shift in the way he or she plays games or listens to music. I mean, today’s eleven year olds might not know what records, tapes, or CDs are, but they surely recall a time before the all-in-one media device. You remember? Back when you were seven and you listened to music on an MP3 player? Like a standalone one?

Today, these kids are all using iPhones and if they’re really cool, they might even have Android. Yes, I know not all eleven year old kids have smartphones, but it won’t be long. In fact, I might go as far as to say that those very kids are the only remaining audience for devices like the iPod Touch. Apple knows it too, just look at their latest ad.

Many have addressed the change in computing that we are experiencing. Some say screens are getting smaller, others say they are getting bigger. Some even say they are disappearing. Whatever the case may be, the technology world is moving faster than ever before and new phones with breakthrough technologies are coming out faster than you can say “Retina Display”.

What is most interesting to watch about this transition is how features we grew up dreaming about and saw in the movies not too long ago are actually either a reality now or very close to being one. Here are four examples that somehow, I think I will never get used to: 1: Wait, did you just talk to your phone?

Sometimes we get so caught up in the wars between technology giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google that we fail to see the big picture. I mean, do you realize that the entire technology world has been debating which mobile phone actually lets you talk to it, talk back, and understand real human language with the most accuracy over the past few weeks? Maybe Siri is a few steps ahead of Tellme and even the Voice recognition system on Android, maybe not, but hello, are you listening to yourself?

I can’t help but be reminded of my all time favorite Youtube video Everything is Amazing and Nobody’s Happy by the comedian Louis CK. There are so many gems in this video that despite the fact that I think every human being has already seen it, it is worth another watch. To sum it all up though for those who don’t have the four minutes to spare, Louis CK talks about how we think about technology and says “how quickly the world owes us something we only knew existed ten seconds ago”. Genius. Watch the video!

Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy ... Louis C.K.

Uploaded by checkoutmytrip on Feb 24, 2009
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I love how he said everything is amazing right now and nobody is happy. It is a symptom of a deeper issue with our society, if only we viewed our lives and situations with the correct perspective we would be much happier.

Funny video I ran across and uploaded it as funny content for my blog

2: It knows your face?

This might not have hit mainstream yet, but being that the newest version of Android and the best one yet (by far) has facial recognition integrated, it is worth pondering how far we have come. You can actually unlock your new Android device running Ice Cream Sandwich (yes, for those non geeks who hadn’t heard, that is the real name of the new Android. Gotta love Google) by looking at it and having the phone recognize your face. Of course many have already complained that this constitutes a security threat as anyone can use a photo of your face. To those people I say “Oh really? A security threat? When was the last time you lost your phone in the street along with a photo of you laying right next to it? If you are really concerned about someone gaining access to your private data, use a password or better yet, don’t leave such sensitive information on a mobile device.

We are off topic, I get worked up when all people know how to do is complain. See video above for explanation. But do you realize what we are talking about here? This is like Minority Report without Tom Cruise ruining all the cool tech. In fact, YOU are now Tom Cruise in this movie. Your phone has become personal over the years with personal data, photos, music, etc, but with Siri (and other voice technologies that understand your intention) and the newest trend of real facial recognition, this just got a whole lot more serious.

3: Don’t you have to go to the checkout counter for that?

“Is he really going to talk about barcode scanning now? That is SO 2010!” Do you realize how fast we take things for granted? You can scan barcodes, like in a supermarket, WITH YOUR PHONE. At the risk of sounding like a Louis CK fanboy, I am going to quote another line from that video. When people complain about their experience with flying, they always talk about the delays, the uncomfortable seats, and the rude staff. Louis CK says to those people in a way only he can “Oh really? What happened next? Did you FLY? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight, you non contributing ZERO? Every person on every plane should constantly be yelling ‘Oh my GOD, I’m flying”.

“Scanning a barcode with your phone? Phh, big deal, my new Android does something so much cooler.” Seriously people, think about it for a second. But if you like me are a geek and need some hardcore technology to get excited about something, get this. Not sure if you heard but Apple now allows customers to walk into an Apple store, take a product off the shelf, scan it with their new Apple Store app, and walk out. No need to stand on a line, no need to talk to a representative, and no need to take out cash or even a credit card. Your Apple ID, which is already part of your iOS device has you covered. Read about it here.

4: You take credit cards? How about phones?

None of that impressed you? I am being overly dramatic and all these things are just an evolution, not revolution”? I have heard it all. Fine! How about the fact that you can now pay for a NYC cab using your phone? No, this is not a concept or a futuristic feature some company is working on in China. I am talking Google Wallet, I am talking NFC, and I am talking right now.

Drive-throughs, cabs, business, hundreds if not thousands of them now let you pay with your phone. That number is only growing and if Google has its way, Google Wallet WILL soon replace the wallet. I don’t know about you, but if nothing else proves that the future is now, this does and the video below should leave your mind in a state of “blown”!

Uploaded by Thisismynextvideo on Aug 15, 2011

In conclusion, all I can say is that the title for this post was originally “10 Mobile Capabilities We Only Dreamed of Yesterday and Are Here Already Today”. I had ten of them, but out of compassion for you, I shortened it to four. You are welcome. Now, I hope we can all agree that what we are experiencing at this very moment is indeed a real revolution. There, I said it.

By: Hillel Fuld
November 29, 2011
The text being discussed is available at
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