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Date: 2024-04-20 Page is: DBtxt001.php list0200-Sectors

The TrueValueMetrics (TVM) Website
Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society

Navigation for SECTORS

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| Health |

AAA go to TOP

Academic sector
Potentially a source of a lot of knowledge, but much of the work is academic without being valuable.
Agriculture sector.
Not widely acknowledged any more, but a key driver of prosperity in the “north” and very efficient. In the “south” in contrast, too much of agriculture remains little better than subsistence.

BBB go to TOP

Banking and finance sector.
Hugely profitable, but services essential to the “south” are not available because the profits not big enough.

CCC go to TOP

Construction sector.
Local construction companies ought to be a driver of local economic performance, but they are often displaced by foreign contractors. Quality needs to be professionally controlled.

DDD go to TOP

EEE go to TOP

Education sector.
The education sector is critical to the future performance of the economy, but badly underfunded and good education is far from being accessible to all.
Employment or jobs.
Create employment and jobs, and a lot of relief and development problems go away. This ought to be a major priority.
Energy sector.
The supply of energy to the “south” is poor and a constraint, while raw energy sources in the “south” are tremendously rich and exploited almost totally for foreign benefit and some small local elite.
Enterprise sector.
A simple way to describe the private for profit organizations that can be the driver of sustainable socio-economic progress.

FFF go to TOP

Fisheries sector.
A potentially valuable sector in the “south”, but often the bulk of the value is exported by commercial fisheries agreements that are bad for the “south”
Forestry sector

GGG go to TOP

Governance and administration sector.
This ought to be facilitating socio-economic progress, but too much is constraining progress. Not enough accounting and accountability.

HHH go to TOP

The health sector is critical to the health of the population, and seriously underfunded in the face of some pandemic health issues.
go to TOP
Health sector.
The health sector is critical to the health of the population, and seriously underfunded in the face of some pandemic health issues.
Open list 0200-Sector-Health
Housing sector.
Housing is a sector that can be a useful driver of economic progress. There is a big need for affordable housing, especially in urban areas.

III go to TOP

Infrastructure sector.
Getting infrastructure upgraded can be a driver of the economy, but only if it is done with some understanding of the dynamics of development and the damage caused by economic distortion.
International trade sector.
There needs to be a lot more of fair (equitable) trade than merely free trade.

JJJ go to TOP

KKK go to TOP

LLL go to TOP

Legal and justice sector.
Too often underfunded and unable to function well. Not well integrated with traditional systems of justice.
Luxury sector.
This sector has a high profit derived from the huge disposable income of people with great wealth. Mainly involved with obscenely expensive baubles and toys.

MMM go to TOP

Manufacturing sector.
The sector can be a valuable part of the economic mix. It is not going to be success except in places that commit to an efficient economic environment.
Military and security sector.
More sunlight is needed in connection with military equipment and supplies and how they are used.
Mining sector.
A sector that ought to produce huge value for the “south”, but it needs work to allow it to achieve value for the “south”

NNN go to TOP

Natural resources sector.
Natural resources of all sorts are abundant in the “south” but not exploited much for the benefit of the “south” but mainly for the benefit of foreign investors and their foreign staff.

OOO go to TOP

PPP go to TOP

Productive sector.
These sectors include mining, manufacturing, agriculture, fisheries, etc. that make things needed for society locally or internationally.
Professional sector.
The professional sector is not central to relief and development efforts, yet it is one of the key ways that an economy becomes self-sufficient.
Public sector, private sector.
If it is government it is the public sector, if it is not, it is the private sector.

QQQ go to TOP

RRR go to TOP

Relief and development sector.
A shorthand to cover all the activities of the official relief and development organizations, governments, NGOs, etc. that work on disaster relief and socio-economic progress.
Retail sector.
Look at the retail sector and a lot can be learned about the state of socio-economic progress.

SSS go to TOP

Social sectors.
These sectors include health, education, etc. that are needed to improve the status of the population.

TTT go to TOP

Telecom sector.
The telecom sector has evolved a lot in the recent years, and change continues. Getting relief and development friendly telecom is critical to success.
Tourism sector.
Tourism has great potential for the “south” but it needs management and development of destinations.
Transport sector.
Transport is part of the infrastructure that is in great disrepair in the “south” and costly to the society.

UUU go to TOP

VVV go to TOP

WWW go to TOP

Water is sometimes considered as a separate sector because of its vital importance to the viability of the area
Wholesale and distribution sector.
Wholesale and distribution is highly efficient in the “north” and a tremendous constrain in the “south”.

XXX go to TOP

YYY go to TOP

ZZZ go to TOP

MISC go to TOP

Chapter 1. Sector Perspective
This chapter describes the importance of a multi-sector approach ... how a single sector initiative frequently fails because some other sector is not functional. This chapter also highlights the importance of sector specific technical capacity.

Open file 20020100

Chapter 2. Sectors: Governance ... Government
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020200
The legislative functions of government
The executive functions of government
The enforcement of law and order

Chapter 3. Sectors: Infrastructure
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020300
Elements of the transport infrastructure
Elements of the communications infrastructure
Elements of the energy infrastructure
Elements of the housing and real estate infrastructure

Chapter 4. Sectors: Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020400
Crop Agriculture
Livestock agriculture
Post harvest processing
Post harvest marketing

Chapter 5. Sectors: Industrial Sector
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020500

Chapter 6. Sectors: Trade and Logistics
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020600
Ocean and air shipping
Ports and airports
Internal rail and truck

Chapter 7. Sectors: Service Sectors
This chapter expands on the many components of these sectors including:

Open file 20020700
Banking and insurance

Chapter 8. A lot more issues ... afterword
This chapter starts the dialog about how sector activity should be incorporated into activities to progress society and the economy.

Open file 20020800

The text being discussed is available at
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TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is an Open Source / Open Knowledge initiative. It has been funded by family and friends. TVM is a 'big idea' that has the potential to be a game changer. The goal is for it to remain an open access initiative.
The information on this website may only be used for socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and limited low profit purposes
Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved.